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Apple Has Been Working On Its Own ChatGPT A.I Tool

July 20, 2023
minute read

Apple has been progressively integrating Machine Learning (ML) into its software and devices for years, but there has been a noticeable absence of its own version of ChatGPT, a widely used large language model, during WWDC. Despite having John Giannandrea as the Head of Artificial Intelligence, who firmly states that AI and ML are deeply ingrained in the company's endeavors, and Tim Cook's early advocacy for AI tools in 2016, Apple seems to be perceived as lagging behind, particularly in the domain of AI tools like ChatGPT.

However, the situation appears to be changing, as Apple is reportedly gearing up its efforts in generative AI and has allegedly developed its own AI tool dubbed "Apple GPT." It's worth noting that despite Apple's continuous incorporation of ML into their products and software, it has been lacking a framework for creating large language models (LLMs), which forms the foundation of tools like ChatGPT and Google's Bard. The internal framework Apple employs is known as Ajax.

According to Trade Algo, there is a private concern within Apple about potentially missing out on AI advancements, leading the company to create Ajax to streamline ML development internally. The "Apple GPT" chatbot has been created for internal use only, requiring special approval for access. It was briefly halted at one point due to security concerns, and there are strict guidelines preventing its use to develop features intended for customers.

Nevertheless, Apple employees are already utilizing the tool for practical purposes, such as prototyping products and summarizing text for staff. As of now, the tool reportedly doesn't offer capabilities beyond what ChatGPT, Bard, and other AI systems already provide. Apple currently has no plans to release it to the public, as it focuses on finding consumer-oriented applications for such tools, aiming for a major AI launch sometime in 2024.

The drive towards AI at Apple is reportedly led by both John Giannandrea and Craig Federighi, with potential disagreements on the approach. Giannandrea is said to take a more conservative stance, preferring to observe the evolution of ChatGPT and similar tools. In addition to this internal AI development, Apple is allegedly planning to introduce a coaching service called Quartz that will utilize AI on health data collected from the Apple Watch. Furthermore, any forthcoming Apple Car is expected to incorporate Machine Learning and AI to enable self-driving features.

Valentyna Semerenko
Eric Ng
John Liu
Editorial Board
Bryan Curtis
Adan Harris
Managing Editor
Cathy Hills
Associate Editor

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