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Due to Oil's Surge, Wall Street is Suddenly Sweating 5% Yields Again

April 2, 2024
minute read

Amidst the surge in oil prices to their peak levels of the year, Phil Orlando at Federated Hermes expresses his satisfaction with the current market conditions.

Describing the situation as "music to our ears," Orlando attributes his contentment to various factors, including his heavy investment in energy stocks. However, beyond surface-level reasons, he perceives the rise in crude oil prices as indicative of robust demand, signifying economic strength rather than something more sinister. He believes this trend bodes well not only for major tech companies but also for the broader equity market.

Orlando highlights the performance of both prominent and lesser-known stocks, indicating a broader rally in the market. He emphasizes that while certain sectors have experienced significant gains, others have also seen notable appreciation over the past 15 months, reflecting his belief in a more widespread market rally.

However, despite Orlando's optimism, the broader market seems oblivious to this narrative, at least for now. One contributing factor to this discrepancy is the recent turmoil in the US bond market, which has been under pressure due to several factors, including the surge in crude oil prices.

The rise in crude oil prices is attributed partly to concerns about supply disruptions in regions like Mexico and the Middle East and partly to indications of increased industrial consumption. Kathy Jones of Charles Schwab notes that commodity supercycles typically result from supply shortages due to insufficient investment in production capacity, a situation not mirrored in today's world, where US daily crude output remains robust at around 13 million barrels.

This scenario raises concerns about the vulnerability of long-dated bonds. Troy Gayeski from FS Investments warns that benchmark 10-year Treasury yields are approaching significant levels, with yields reaching their highest point of the year and flirting with 4.4%. Gayeski suggests that a retest of the 5% mark is not out of the question, given the prevailing market dynamics.

Despite the surprising strength of the US economy, concerns linger regarding inflation and the Federal Reserve's anticipated interest rate cuts, which are increasingly being questioned by debt traders.

The rise in bond yields could potentially dampen equity valuations, although this impact has not yet materialized. David Lebovitz from JPMorgan Asset Management acknowledges the risk posed by escalating energy prices but suggests that this is mitigated by robust factory data indicating a strong economy, which continues to support stocks.

Lebovitz speculates that higher oil prices might prompt the Federal Reserve to exercise caution in cutting interest rates. However, given the Fed's commitment to accommodating market demands, he believes that the potential tailwind for equities remains intact.

In summary, while the surge in oil prices may present challenges, particularly in the bond market, the overall outlook for equities remains cautiously optimistic, supported by signs of a resilient economy and accommodative monetary policy.

Eric Ng
Eric Ng
John Liu
Editorial Board
Bryan Curtis
Adan Harris
Managing Editor
Cathy Hills
Associate Editor

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