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For the First Time Since November, Apple's Stock Led the Dow This Week

April 14, 2024
minute read

Apple Inc. saw a modest but noteworthy increase in its weekly stock performance, emerging as the top gainer in the Dow Jones Industrial Average despite broader market concerns surrounding geopolitical tensions and interest rates.

During a week marked by volatility and negative sentiment across the market, Apple's shares (AAPL) experienced a 4.1% uptick, surpassing other notable gainers such as Nike Inc., which saw a 3.6% increase in its stock value. Notably, no other stocks within the Dow recorded weekly gains exceeding 1%, underscoring the significance of Apple's performance amidst overall market decline.

This achievement is particularly notable for Apple, as it marks the first time since November 10, 2023, that the company has claimed the title of the Dow's top gainer for the week, during which it recorded a 5.5% increase. This resurgence in stock performance is noteworthy given the challenges Apple has faced at the start of the year, including increased competition in China, constraints on consumer spending, and regulatory uncertainties.

Analysts, however, suggest that pessimism surrounding Apple's prospects may be misguided. Wamsi Mohan, an analyst at BofA Securities, emphasized that investors have historically underestimated Apple's gross margins. Mohan highlighted various factors driving Apple's gross margins, such as the benefits derived from in-house chip manufacturing and the growing consumer preference for higher-priced iPhone models, which yield higher profitability.

Additionally, market research from IDC provided a positive outlook for Apple, indicating a 14.8% surge in Mac shipments during the March quarter, marking the company's most significant growth in Mac shipments in at least two years. While this growth is partly attributed to a favorable comparison period, it suggests resilience in Apple's product demand despite prevailing challenges.

Further adding to Apple's positive momentum, Bloomberg News reported plans for the company to introduce an upgraded version of its custom-designed processor, signaling ongoing efforts to enhance its Mac product lineup.

In summary, Apple's recent stock performance stands out amidst broader market volatility, reflecting underlying strengths in the company's product offerings and potential for sustained growth. As Apple continues to navigate competitive pressures and regulatory uncertainties, analysts remain cautiously optimistic about its ability to capitalize on emerging opportunities and drive future profitability.

Adan Harris
Managing Editor
Eric Ng
John Liu
Editorial Board
Bryan Curtis
Adan Harris
Managing Editor
Cathy Hills
Associate Editor

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