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Treasury Yields Remain Rangebound Following the Latest Weekly Jobless Claims Report

June 6, 2024
minute read

Treasury yields remained relatively stable on Thursday morning following a five-day decline, with indicators suggesting that the U.S. labor market remains robust.

Current Treasury Yields
  • The 2-year Treasury yield stood at 4.723%, slightly down from 4.728% on Wednesday at 3 p.m. Eastern time.
  • The 10-year Treasury yield was marginally higher at 4.29%, compared to 4.289% on Wednesday.
  • The 30-year Treasury yield edged up less than 1 basis point to 4.445% from 4.440% the previous day.

Market Drivers

Thursday's U.S. economic data revealed that initial jobless claims increased to a four-week high of 229,000 last week, though they stayed within the typical range of 194,000 to 232,000 seen this year. This data suggests stability in the labor market without significant signs of increased layoffs or weakening.

Prior to Thursday, the 10-year Treasury yield had dropped for five consecutive sessions, losing a total of 33.4 basis points, driven by investor concerns over a potential slowdown in the U.S. economy.

Globally, the European Central Bank reduced interest rates by a quarter-point on Thursday, following a similar action by the Bank of Canada a day earlier. Additionally, Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda indicated it might be appropriate to scale back the central bank's bond purchases as part of an effort to exit its ultra-loose monetary policy, as reported by TradeAlgo.

Analyst Insights

Thomas Simons and Nathan Bilski, economists at Jefferies, observed that the anticipated labor market weakness has not materialized. They noted, "We had long been expecting weakness to develop in the labor market as a consequence of a pullback amongst inflation-fatigued consumers that would motivate businesses to lay off workers in pursuit of lower costs and margin recovery. It is now clear to us that this simply isn’t happening.”


In summary, Treasury yields showed little movement on Thursday after a period of decline, with the labor market data indicating ongoing strength. The 2-year, 10-year, and 30-year Treasury yields were nearly flat, reflecting stability in investor sentiment. The recent increase in jobless claims did not significantly alter the broader labor market picture, which remains within expected ranges, suggesting that layoffs have not increased markedly.

Global central bank actions, such as the European Central Bank's rate cut and the Bank of Canada's similar move, influenced market dynamics, while the Bank of Japan's potential reduction in bond purchases also played a role. Analysts from Jefferies highlighted that their expectations for labor market weakening due to consumer pullback have not been realized, pointing to continued resilience in employment despite inflationary pressures.

As such, the bond market's recent behavior, combined with robust labor data, underscores a complex economic environment where traditional signals of economic stress have yet to significantly impact the labor market. This stability in Treasury yields suggests that investors are carefully balancing concerns over economic slowdown with persistent strength in employment, leading to a cautious but steady market outlook.

Cathy Hills
Associate Editor
Eric Ng
John Liu
Editorial Board
Bryan Curtis
Adan Harris
Managing Editor
Cathy Hills
Associate Editor

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